Historical Museum Display enjoyed by many

December 10, 2014 at 11:37 a.m.
Historical Museum Display enjoyed by many
Historical Museum Display enjoyed by many

The newly established Englewood Area Historical Museum showcased an impressive collection of WWI and WWII artifacts during the Englewood Veterans Memorial Dedication this past Veterans Day.

The one day exhibit, held at the old hardware store on Dearborn Street, attracted an estimated 200 people. The collection included a Japanese rifle on loan from Russ Kyper, along with his WWII Navy uniform and medals.  S.H.O.R.E. was also onhand with exhibits about WWI and WWII. 

Donations of money and loans of historical artifacts are greatly appreciated. For more information about the museum and how you can help, please call Mary Gregory, 865-256-1712 or Russ Kyper, 941-474-7632.