Happy Holidays, Englewood

December 3, 2020 at 5:04 p.m.
Happy Holidays, Englewood
Happy Holidays, Englewood

By Todd Tracy

The Holidays have begun, or should I say began?  Began would be more appropriate if you consider that retailers across the nation weeks ago began promoting the holiday shopping season and most of your Thanksgiving meal leftovers are transitioning into what I consider the best part of this holiday, turkey soup.
Began would also be an appropriate word to describe the decades of support from our local personalities, clubs, and organizations that support not only our holiday activities, but plan for Englewood’s future. The Old Englewood Village Association (OEVA) is one of them.
One such activity this year was OEVA’s Halloween decoration contest that awarded sixteen fifty-dollar gift certificates to residential winners. Dozens participated, hundreds voted, even the local business joined in the fun. But the real story was the imagination behind both the spirited displays, and the awards.  
Each gift certificate represented a community business that the winners would visit, enjoy, redeem their certificates in, and share their downtown experiences with others. Because the Halloween decorating contest was so well received, OEVA will be repeating that success with a Christmas decoration contest beginning in December. Please visit our web site www.EnglewoodFL.org for the details.
Now, the real story. Holiday contests can be fun, and both participants and observers seem to enjoy them. But unlike community contests, community opinion surveys tend to be avoided. Because of that I am teasing a pending survey now, as a ploy to make you curious about the questions and hopefully inspire your participation.
Early next year, after the holidays are behind us, OEVA, with the support of our Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), will be introducing an inaugural community opinion poll that with a minimal effort on your part, may change Englewood’s future … or not … but at least the questions should be thought provoking, informative, even fun.
Think of the pending survey as a social media forum where you can freely express yourself and share your ideas or previous community experiences, without any cancel culture risks! Still a little worried about taking the survey? Maybe a quick review of some of the possible questions and answers would help.    
Possible questions: Name the two special governing Districts in Englewood. (The Englewood Water and Fire districts.) Name the Mayor of Englewood. (Englewood is not a City, it is governed by two counties, Sarasota, and Charlotte.) What does the CRA stand for? (Community Redevelopment Area.) When was the CRA established and when will it expire? (1999, and 2029.) Who is the current Manager of the CRA? (Debbie Marks.) Why is the RCTOD (Residential/Commercial Transition Overlay District) important to Englewood’s future? (It supports a residentially based arts district around Dearborn St.)
Now some easy questions that nobody can get wrong: How did you first learn about Englewood? What do you love about Englewood?  Are you a member of any organizations in Englewood? What are your community interests, talents, and strengths? What social media do you enjoy? Are you a year-round resident, seasonal, a business owner, other?  Which would you prefer, large or small community events? Does Englewood have enough parking? Would you attend monthly Town Hall style meetings? Should Englewood be a city someday?
Now some thoughtful questions: What are the important issues facing Dearborn Street? Does Dearborn Street need a downtown manager? How could we pay for a manager? Does Dearborn Street need a self-governed community plaza? How can we support and improve our RCTOD arts district? Would you limit the number or the size of the events on Dearborn Street? Would you like to see more private or public investment in the community? Would you consider additional one-way streets or traffic re-routing to expand parking and pedestrian uses?
Questions like these are why OEVA will be reaching out asking for your help soon. As you can see, we are not pondering who is going to be Santa this year, or where to put the Christmas lighting on the street. This survey will be about listening and learning so all of us can stay united and focused on finishing the foundations that our community’s future will be built on.
Remember, if you would like to participate in the community opinion survey please visit our web site to learn more and please consider registering as a member, free or supportive, of OEVA at www.EnglewoodFL.org.
Thank you all for your time and enjoy the holidays still ahead.