Nola's Notes

May 22, 2023 at 1:25 p.m.
Nola's Notes
Nola's Notes

By Nola

MEET: I’m Otis (aka Odie Boodles) and I work at Edgewater Homes LLC and Ron Smith State Farm in Englewood.

Pedigree and Age: I’m a 3-year-old Boston Terrier. I was born during Covid, so I didn’t get to socialize like most pups when I was young. Although I’m a bit shy with new people, my mom says I’m the best puppy she’s ever had and I’m the perfect cuddler, or so I’m told.

Likes: I love to play Frisbee, chase squirrels, cuddle with my mom, bring in and rip open the Amazon packages, and go for walks around the neighborhood to hang with my dog buddies. I have a plush piggy toy that I sleep with every night, which is very relaxing.

Dislikes: I don’t like going to the Vet or having anyone but my family pick me up. Having Dad trim my nails is also not my favorite thing, but I just lick my chops after every click and act brave.

Pet Peeves: I bring my Kong toys to my mom to fill them with chewies at night, but after the first time she tells me I’ve already had enough, which is annoying. She also takes my Frisbee away when I bring it inside because I like to bury it under things and make a mess.

Office Jobs: My main job is to take naps in my cozy bed. My secondary job is to look for lizards in the courtyard during my breaks. My favorite job is to go into the kitchen and lick the crumbs off the floor. I guess you could say I’m part of the clean-up crew.

How Did You Acquire Your Human? My family found a really nice breeder in Lakeland, and we still talk to her and send her pictures all the time.

Owner’s Remarks: Otis is the best dog we have ever had, and that is saying a lot! He’s cuddly, fun loving, and always up for a play session or walk. He makes us laugh every day.