Vineland Elementary January Students of the Month

February 14, 2024 at 2:00 a.m.

Please join Vineland Elementary School in congratulating the January Herons of the Month. 

This program, sponsored by the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 113, recognizes students who display the atributes of the Vineland motto: Where Herons Soar (Show Respect, Own Actions, Accept Differences, Realize Potential). These students are recognized and receive a ribbon during a monthly assembly.

Front Row (l-r): Mason Cornwell, Coral Whitaker, Wednesday Toro. Middle Row (l-r): Jane Vosburgh,
Brooklyn Brown, Amelia Fink, Cecilia Velez. Back Row (l-r): Charlie Gilbert, Gabrielle McCaughey,
Brooke Mosher, Nicholas Jeremias, Jack Morford.


Front Row (l-r): Alice Hedvicek, Braxton Mickiewicz, Ashlind Jurkowski, Jocelynn Brannan. Middle Row (l-r): Madison Hawter, Griffin Sturms, Sophie Molczynski, Jocelyn Straub. Back Row (l-r): Kade Hubartt,
Lillian Colas, Alondra Rodriguez, Erik Strahan, Om Patel, Zachariah Adams, Maverick Lowe.